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WIT Features


1.   WIT (Wiimms ISO Toolset) is a set of command line tools.

Wiimms ISO Tools is a set of command line tools to manipulate Wii and GameCube ISO images and WBFS containers. Command line means that you have to open a text console (cmd for windows) to execute the commands. An other way is to write little scripts (windows: *.bat or *.cmd files) that call wit and wwt with all needed options and parameters.

If you work with wwt (the WBFS manager) and want to manage WBFS partitions on hard drives then the tool must run in root/admin mode. Use su or sudo for unix systems. Windows users should open an administration console.

1.1   Summary of tools

2.   wit (Wiimms ISO tool) is the main Wii and GameCube ISO manipulation tool.

wit is the main Wii and GameCube ISO disc manipulation tool:

3.   wwt (Wiimms WBFS tool) is a complete WBFS manager including FS checking and repairing, time stamps and multi WBFS support.

wwt is a complete WBFS manager:

4.   wdf (Wiimms WDF Tool) is a little tool to manage WDF, CISO and WIA files.

5.   WIT supports 7 Wii disc file types (ISO, CISO, WDF, WIA, WBFS, GCZ and FST).

When reading an ISO image all tools look inside the file to detect the file type. The file name does not matter. The usage is transparent for the commands, 6 file types are supported yet:
  1. Plain ISO: Normal (and large) Wii or GameCube ISO image.
  2. WDF: A special file format which manage wholes (scrubbed areas). Only non zero data is stored.
  3. WIA: A special archive format to reduce the needed disc space. It is simmilar like WDF but it compress data in chunks with the bzip2 or lzma algorithm.
  4. CISO: Like WDF, but not so effective. A advantage is that CISO files are loadable by some USB loaders.
  5. WBFS: Single disc in a WBFS container. I is also possible to select one disc of a WBFS by using a selector.
  6. GCZ: Dolphins GameCube-Zip format.
  7. FST: Extracted file system (see below).

When writing to a Wii or GameCube ISO file the user has the choice between all file formats. He can force a output file format by using one of the options --wdf, --wia, --ico, --ciso, --wbfs, --gcz or --fst. If no option is set, the tools analyze the file extension to find the file type. For example name.iso will force a Plain ISO file while name.wdf will force WDF.

When reading Wii or GameCube ISO files split files are detected automatically. When writing files splitting can be controlled with the options --split and --split-size.

6.   wit can verify and compare (diff) Wii and GameCube ISO images.

»wit DIFF« can compare Wii and GameCube ISO images of all supported file formats in in raw mode (whole ISO image) and in scrubbed mode (only needed sectors) or on file level.

»wit VERIFY« and »wwt VERIFY« verify Wii (but not GameCube) ISO images and find bad dumps. This is done by calculating the SHA1 checksums and comparing them with the stored checksums.

7.   wit can extract and compose Wii ISO images.

»wit EXTRACT« (and »wit COPY --fst« as wrapper) can extract all virtual and real files of all partitions of Wii discs. This acts like the old WiiScrubber, but in a non interactive way.

The user can modify and exchange all files with any tools and editors.

Commands like »wit COPY« or »wwt ADD« can compose a new Wii ISO disc: Just define the base directory of a FST as source file. This functionality is also called »Partition builder« or »Disc builder«.

8.   wit can patch Wii and GameCube ISO images while copying.

»wit COPY«, »wwt ADD« and other copy commands can patch the a Wii or GameCube ISO image while copying it.

Subjects of patching are ID (--id; disc header, ticket, tmd and boot.bin), disc title (--name; disc header and boot.bin), region info (--region; disc header) and the IOS (--ios; tmd). If necessary the partitions will be fake signed (trucha sign) automatically.

Removing (--rm-files), zeroing (--zero-files) and ignoring (--ignore-files) files are also posible.

TICKET and TMD are automatically fake signed if necessary.

9.   wit can mix partitions from different sources into a new Wii ISO images.

The command »wit MIX« can mix different partitions of different Wii discs into a new Wii disc image. The MIX command copies the partitions 1:1 so that there is no need to fake sign the partitions; the original sign of the source is unchanged.

»wit MIX« has an unique feature: OVERLAY
If option --overlay is set then »wit MIX« tries to overlay the partitions to minimze the total image size. This works because most partitions have unused areas.

10.   wit and wwt support many diagnostic commands.

Both main tools, wit and wwt, support many diagnostic commands, for example: »wit FILETYPE«, »wit DUMP«, »wit VERIFY«, »wwt FILETYPE«, »wwt DUMP«, »wwt ANALYZE«, »wwt CHECK« and »wwt VERIFY«.

11.   wit and wwt ignore and repair the used-block-table.

wit and wwt ignore the used-block-table completely on reading and scans the map lists of the games to create an internal usage map. On writing a new repaired used-block-table is written.

So a damaged used-block-table has no impact to the tools and is repaired automatically.

12.   Advanced shell support.

All tools are designed to support scripting: