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wit compr

Scan compression modes and print the normalized names. See option --compression for syntax details. If no mode is given than print a table with all available compression modes and alternative mode names.


1.   Syntax

wit COMPR [mode]...

2.   Options

Option Param Description
--mem size This option defines a memory usage limit for compressing files (in MiB if no other unit is entered). When compressing a file with method MEM (see --compression) the the compression method, level and chunk size are selected with respect to this limit.

If this option is not set or the value is 0, then the environment WIT_MEM is tried to read instead. If this fails, the tool tries to find out the total memory by reading /proc/meminfo. The limit is set to 80% of the total memory minus 50 MiB.

--sections Print in machine readable sections and parameter lines.
-H --no-header Suppress printing of header and footer.
-l --long Print a table with the normalized mode name, compression level, chunk size factor and memory usage.
-v --verbose Print always compression level and chunk size factor. Standard is to suppress these values if not explicitly set.
--numeric Force numeric output instead of printing names.